شركة معروفة في عمان تعلن عن حاجتها لموظفين

A Well-Known Company in Amman is looking to hire the following Vacancies with competitive Salaries,

1- Head of Retail – 10+ Years of Experience

2- Sales Agents – (0-5) Years of experience

3- Call Center Agents – (0-3) Years of Experience

4- Customer service Representatives (Amman,Irbid,Karak,Zarqa, Aqaba)

5- Data Analyst – (3-8) Years of Experience

6- IT help Desk – (0-5) Years of Experience

7- Marketing and Social Media Specialists (2-5) years of experience

If you are initially interested, Please send your resume to

[email protected]

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للإنضمام إلى صفحتنا عبر الفيسبوك – أضغط هنا

للإنضمام إلى قناتنا عبر التليجرام المخصصة للوظائف – أضغط هنا