Communication Officer - UN Women

Communication Officer – UN Women

Communication Officer – UN Women

Job description:

Vacancy Title Communication Officer

Duty station (Country) East Jerusalem  (state of Palestine)

Advertised on behalf of UN Women

Contract Modality Service Contract

Post Level SB4/1

Assignment Duration 6 months with possible extension

Expected Starting date 1 July 2021

Application deadline 21 May 2021

Eligibility Candidates need to be only nationals of the country living in Jerusalem or West bank.

Job requirements:

Master’s degree in communications, journalism, international relations, political sciences or any other relevant field. Or Baccalaureate degree in above fields.

MA with 5 years or BA with 6 years of professional experience at national or international level in public

relations, communications, journalism, or advocacy.

Experience in writing and editing high-quality content that clearly communicates development-related ideas for various communications platforms.

Experience closely working with national and international media and knowledge of influential media contacts are an asset.

Familiarity with behavior change communication or Communications for Development (C4D) is an asset.

Experience working in women’s rights issues; knowledge of relevant gender issues in Palestine is an asset.

Previous experience with UN or international organization is an asset.

Interested and qualified candidates can apply online through Apply Now

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