تعلن شركة Rummantechnologyعن توفر وظيفة شاغرة

تعلن شركة Rummantechnology في الاردن عن حاجتها الى :

Senior Frontend Developer

Job Description

As the “Senior Front-end Developer”, you will be responsible for playing a key role in the software development life cycle.

Some of your duties and responsibilities will include:

In charge of coding, code maintenance, and testing.

Responsible for researching the latest programming techniques and web technologies.

Communicate with the manager or team members on issues and in providing solutions.

Assist the team in achieving the project goals and meeting the project schedule.

Perform routine site maintenance as needed TECHNICAL EXPERIENCES.


Technical Skills:

HTML5 and CSS3


Javascript (ES6, jQuery, AJAX)

CSS frameworks (like Bootstrap, Semantic UI)


  • Knows fundamentals of the web
  • Understanding of the DOM and box model
  • Comfortable with CLI

Soft Skills:

A team player

Keen to details


Critical thinking skills

Trainable and self-organized

Responsible communicator

Goal driven


Vue knowledge


MVC knowledge

Unit testing

Responsive design and media queries


• Graduated from College, University specialized in Information Technology or equivalent.

• 3+ years of working experience in the related field is required for this position.

[email protected]

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