مطلوب موظفين للعمل مع منظمة ميرسي كوربس

مطلوب موظفين للعمل مع منظمة ميرسي كوربس

مطلوب موظفين للعمل مع منظمة ميرسي كوربس


 Mercy Corps sees greater potential for impact in the response to the conflict in Syria if the strengths and contributions of both the international community and Syrian civil society groups are effectively leveraged.

Mercy Corps’ Investing in Syrian Humanitarian Action (ISHA) Project (funded primarily by OFDA with limited contribution by Dfid) is designed to advise, support, and coach targeted Syrian civil society organizations to better and more efficiently serve conflict-affected communities. The project takes a demand-driven approach to capacity development, and utilizes creative methodologies for remote engagement, including both on- and off-line e-learning and broadening access to Arabic language resources for the wider Syrian humanitarian community.

This partner-centered project takes a learning-by-doing approach to providing direct financial and capacity development support to selected partners delivering humanitarian assistance in the WASH, Shelter, Distribution (NFI/voucher), Protection, and Livelihoods sectors in Syria. ISHA sits within the Syria country program as its own stand-alone project, encompassing 100% of its own team for finance, operations, M&E, program functions.


Under the supervision of the Partnership Finance & Compliance Manager, the position-holder will work closely with all sub-grantees to ensure financial reporting in compliance with donor and MC sub-awards policies and procedures.  In addition, financial and operational capacity strengthening of local partners is a key element of this role.  The successful candidate will enjoy mentoring and coaching, employ a learning-by-doing approach throughout the sub-grant lifecycle, and be able to problem-solve creatively, communicate effectively, and provide feedback constructively.


Sub-Grant Financial Management

  1. Initial review on pre-award financial assessments, and make recommendations for areas of improvement based on the findings, particularly regarding financial control and anti-corruption measures.
  2. Ensure potential partners understand project budget templates and donor requirements in advance of submission, and support potential partners in developing compliant budgets as necessary.
  3. Review sub-grantee financial reporting package, amounts, calculations and supporting documents, ensuring compliance with supporting documentation matrix and ensuring all transactions are eligible and well documented.
  4. Provide detailed feedback and guidance to sub-grantee finance focal points to make corrections and/or provide additional written information as needed to close financial reports
  5. Maintain the Mercy Corps financial sub-awards database and tracking tools.
  6. Prepare for further review the sub-grantee financial reporting packages, particularly supporting documents, ensuring compliance with supporting documentation matrix and ensuring all transactions are eligible and well documented.
  7. Maintain paper and digital sub-grant financial files, and contribute to the maintenance of the shared tiling systems.
  8. Track, analyze and process sub-grantee payments to ensure timely transfer of resources and avoid delays in implementations.
  9. Track submission of partners’ financial reports and ensure that reports and all supporting documentation is prepared and filed according to MC procedures, and support partners to do the same.

Capacity Strengthening and Support to Local Partners

  1. Work closely with partners to identify capacity development priorities in financial management, reporting, etc.
  2. Prepare and constantly refine resources and materials to strengthen the capacity of local partners in financial management, grants and compliance.
  3. Responsible for financial management, grants and compliance capacity support to partners through on-going support, coaching, and mentoring throughout sub-grant lifecycle and in line with agreed-upon capacity development plans.
  4. Collaborate closely with program staff to ensure capacity development support to partners is tailored, targeted and responsive to their organizational needs and priorities.
  5. Creatively problem solve with partners to develop protocols and procedures that are both compliant and contextually appropriate.
  6. Provide guidance to partners and ISHA team on USG rules and regulations, and proactively ensure ISHA compliance.

Operational Finance

  1. Assist the Partnership Finance Manager in responding to audit inquiries and requests for financial information.
  2. Be familiar with GAAP and the field finance manual, procurement manual and any additional MC Regional or   MC Jordan policies (National Staff Policy Handbook, cash management, regional travel, etc.,)
  3. Conduct himself/herself both professionally and personally in such a manner as to bring credit to Mercy Corps and to not jeopardize its humanitarian mission.
  4. Support the team with documentation and organization of all investigations.
  5. Other duties as assigned.

Organizational Learning:

As part of Mercy Corps’ commitment to organizational learning and in support of our understanding that learning organizations are more effective, efficient and relevant to the communities they serve – we expect all team members to commit 5% of their time to learning activities that benefit Mercy Corps as well as themselves. Take initiative to find required trainings/on-line learning needed to improve his/her professional performance.


REPORTS DIRECTLY TO:            Partnership Finance & Compliance Manager

WORKS DIRECTLY WITH:           All of the ISHA team, Finance team at Mercy Corps Syria, Finance and Subawards teams in HQ


  • Two or more years of general ledger accounting experience is required.
  • A university degree in finance, accounting or a related business field is required. 
  • Three to five years of experience in the Finance Department of an non-government organization is preferred
  • Familiarity with US government donor rules and non-profit accounting is preferred
  • Strong analytical skills coupled with a solid understanding of grant management rules
  • Coaching and mentoring experience is a plus
  • Prior experience with computerized general ledger software
  • Advanced computer skills in MS Office programs, particularly Excel
  • Excellent oral and written English skills


A demonstrated ability to multi-task, meet deadlines and process information in support of changing program activities is necessary.  A close attention to detail and a methodical approach is required to ensure high quality support to partners and strong program documentation.  Most importantly, the successful candidate will be a team play and committed to the overall objectives of the ISHA project. A willingness to learn and develop skills, and to work collaboratively with the wider ISHA team to promote a positive work environment.

How to Apply:

Deadline to apply for this position: October 5, 2020 *If you are interested, kindly apply as soon as possible, since resumes will be reviewed on rolling basis. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted before the submission deadline.

“Fostering a diverse and open workplace is an important part of Mercy Corps’ vision, and we encourage people from all backgrounds, especially women, to apply.”

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.

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مطلوب موظفين للعمل مع منظمة ميرسي كوربس

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